Wednesday, December 20, 2006

When the hoarding instinct comes in handy

I have been in quite a funk lately both about work and the upcoming holidays. I'm just not looking forward to them. Thanksgiving turned out better than I thought - mostly because of my (and those offered by Simba's mom) clever comments at the holiday table. This time I have to look forward to this weird polish thing where you hold a wafer and run around the room breaking off a piece of someone else's wafer while they take a piece of yours - and you each say something nice to each other. I'm plumb out of nice. I forgot to get input from Simba's mom at work today on what I should say.
Anyway, being my cranky self, I have been unable to stay at work and I've been using my hoarded vacation and personal days. Actually, I'm only using a total of 4 vacation and 1 personal days, but I've also been out some 1/2 days for doctor's appointments. All legit, but I'm kind of curious to see if someone is going to notice. I don't want to have to show them my clocked hours (that I log everyday on my calendar), but it might be nice to be missed....

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