Thursday, December 21, 2006

Entertainment review

We saw Munich last night. That was a huge disappointment. In fact, I didn't even bother watching the last five minutes because it was such a pointless movie. The story could've been compelling - the real life events certainly lend themselves to such - but it wasn't. Instead, it was like 5 hours (seemingly) of waiting for each person to be assassinated. The thread that held the "story" together wasn't even thick enough to floss with. It made me ask, when was the last time that Spielberg told a good story instead of just putting out a big movie? If anyone liked this movie, please enlighten me. One note: Daniel Craig was in it (Grrr, baby) but he was not looking quite so sexy in his 70's duds.
Currently, I'm watching Iron Chef - with a battle between Giada De Laurentis and Rachel Ray. Iron Chef America is not as entertaining as the original Iron Chef, but it's amazing to see what they can do with cranberries.
Final entertainment note: They are making a movie based on Philip Pullman's series "His Dark Materials." If you haven't read those books, I really recommend them! They are supposedly children's books, but they are kind of intense - even more so than Harry Potter. Anyway, I'm very excited about the movie.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

When the hoarding instinct comes in handy

I have been in quite a funk lately both about work and the upcoming holidays. I'm just not looking forward to them. Thanksgiving turned out better than I thought - mostly because of my (and those offered by Simba's mom) clever comments at the holiday table. This time I have to look forward to this weird polish thing where you hold a wafer and run around the room breaking off a piece of someone else's wafer while they take a piece of yours - and you each say something nice to each other. I'm plumb out of nice. I forgot to get input from Simba's mom at work today on what I should say.
Anyway, being my cranky self, I have been unable to stay at work and I've been using my hoarded vacation and personal days. Actually, I'm only using a total of 4 vacation and 1 personal days, but I've also been out some 1/2 days for doctor's appointments. All legit, but I'm kind of curious to see if someone is going to notice. I don't want to have to show them my clocked hours (that I log everyday on my calendar), but it might be nice to be missed....

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ta Da!

After an embarrassing long search - we finally bought a couch! We even got a love seat to go with it! Yeehaw! I'm not sure what that says about us when most couples are excited about their new home and we're barely at the couch stage. Kinda crappy photo, but you get the idea. They don't feel quite like the overstuffed sausages that they look like, either.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I'd like to be able to blame it on the weather....

But I think I'm just getting old. This week (and yes, it's only Wednesday) I've left my apartment with two different shoes on, and my nose ran without me feeling it. Both firsts. That means, that if I hadn't - by some miracle - have looked down at my feet before leaving the lobby of my building, I would've actually made it to work with one brown boot and one black boot on. Note, I did make it out of my apartment and down the elevator ride and almost out the building without me or anyone else noticing. On the way home from work, I was one of those snot nosed kids! How gross is that? That MAY be blamed on the weather, but it's been this cold before and that has never happened.