Yay! 10K!
I have officially completed my running goals for this year. They were: continue to run, shave off time from my first 5K, run an 8K and run a 10K. Today was my first 10K. The funny thing is that the course was Road Runner's normal running path. It's very nice. I can't believe she slums it by running on my section of the lakefront with me. She has recently posted photos. My goal running this race was (like it has been for all my first attempts at "long" distances) to run the majority of the race. I ran the whole thing. Well, except for one point at mile four where I look up and see this figure - all in red - and I'm thinking...huh, that shape looks familiar. But the person's face was shielded by a camera b/c....Road Runner was there taking my picture! It was so nice to see her! (I did walk a short time to talk to her briefly.) Other than that - I surprised myself and ran the whole thing. I told Cowboy I was done training for distances and he didn't believe me. No, really. I'm done. Now my goal is be a more consistent runner and always be able to train for longer distances- if I want. I'm definitely doing the Shamrock Shuffle again, so...
Anyway, I stole this from Road Runner - it's a virtual cat. If you know me, you know all about my 7 year campaign for a cat, my short lived victory that was fast replaced by terror after realizing I adopted feral cats. This is a very happy compromise until I can win my revitalized campaign.